Friday, November 20, 2009

Last Day

Last day of this year school's calendar. No more school uniform this year. Hah! Just a month and half to the next year. This will be fast, or rather in high speed. Time is dreadful. One we can't take control of. Last day does not mean everything will end. Not my tasks or studies. No. I stayed on guard all day in the library, waiting for newly returned Class Reader. It had been tiring to even wait. They had fun in here and there. I don't seem to fit in. Was I? I doubted I will. 

Hours passed like they were seconds. It was time. I queued up for the prize-giving ceremony. Nothing much. I waited for my turn to go up and receive the prizes and certificates. I was kinda nervous. Once I walked up the stage, it went weird. Why were there cheers and screams? Anyway, I felt good. I can't hardly describe how I felt back then. It was great. I was speechless. Then, I went back to seat. I watched the rest of the ceremony. The highlight was the part where prizes - a pendrive and a certificate were given to teachers who had full attendance throughout the year. In fact, our principal received one himself. Then, we could infer the popularity of certain teachers from the applause given. Mr.Chan, Mr.Ong, Mr.Tuen, Puan Ooi and some teachers had thunderous applauses at their moment. It was wonderful and fun. 

Later, I strolled back to my class. They were  playing crazily back there- taking photos and gratifying the blackboard with all our names. It was nice. I was amazed. We took group photos. Tagged in facebook. Hah! Fun indeed. But I was just not that into photo-taking. Hah! Then, I dashed back to the library. Ran down to have a quick meal. Meeting at minutes away. Ish.

Meeting. Talks and discussion. Important matters. Now, I gonna buckle up and finish my tasks as soon as possible. No delaying anymore. Everyone, gambateh ya !


