Saturday, October 3, 2009

Full Moon

Time flies. Now, it's early of October. China just celebrated the country's Independence Day on 1/10. Coincidently, today was mooncake festival. The full moon shone brightly high in the mysterious, dark night sky. In my imagination, may be somewhere, a werewolf was transformed below the light of the full moon. Fairytale, even this festival was started by a legend. Hah!

It was just like everyday spent by me. Nothing particularly special, besides Dickson's surprise text from Australia. His wishes were so unexpected that I was touched. It was so nice of him. I was happy that he still remember us as he text-ed Chuan Yi and the others too. Wow. With the whole globe sharing the same full moon, what an honour it was to be here. Bathing under the soft moonlight, breathing in the fresh cool air like never before. I felt a spark of life and hope in my deep heart. As this festival fostered our friendship and family altogether, I was on cloud nine. I would like to wish, ' Have a happy and delightful mooncake festival. Enjoy the moon. ' Hah!

Candles, lanterns etc. I didn't play them though. LoL. Fireworks weren't even legal. That's too bad. It rained. Maybe the moon was crying for the lost of lives due to recent unfortunate events. May us get through these hard times. 


